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 Colt Service is here to help you keep your buildings protected during this Coronavirus outbreak.

Our engineers are continuing to operate, where practical and with sensible protective precautions, to carry out critical maintenance to ensure smoke control systems, continue to operate as intended and keep occupants safe. They are working in line with Government advice on social distancing and travelling to sites avoiding public transport.

Like many businesses we have quickly migrated our offce team to working from home and making use of available collaboration tools such as video or teleconferencing, both internally and with our customers, where required. All our contact numbers remain unchanged.

Our message to our customers is do not leave it to chance that you smoke control installation is functioning correctly, planned maintenance is a critical route to identifying system faults. We are fully prepared to help keep your people safe.

Colt's measures to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We have been proactively monitoring the coronavirus outbreak, including the latest Government and NHS advice. Our priority is the wellbeing and safety of our people and we will take all reasonable steps to ensure we can continue to safely deliver our projects and services.

We appreciate that you may be concerned about the impact of Coronavirus on Colt International, our people and our operations. Our aim is to continue to operate as close to normal as possible during the coming weeks, whilst following the latest Government guidance and restrictions.

We have issued guidance to our teams and have implemented the following measures:

  • Regular leadership meetings to ensure business continuity;
  • Supporting our people to work from home;
  • Rescheduling all non-essential client and supplier meetings;
  • Increasing and advocating the use of video and teleconferencing facilities to avoid face to face meetings and unnecessary travel;
  • Adopting ‘social distancing’ in our interaction with customers and continue to promote good hygiene principles at all times;
  • Where attendance is required on site, all precautionary hygiene measures are taken to control the spread of the virus.
  • Utilising Company vehicles to reduce the need to travel by public transport;

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