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CIBSE Patrons appoints Nick Buckingham to its Steering Committee.

Apr 2020

CIBSE Patrons appoints Colt’s MD Nick Buckingham to its Steering Committee.

The CIBSE Patrons are regarded as the ‘corporate supporters’ of CIBSE, comprising a group of businesses who collaborate to give financial, technical and moral backing to a wide range of initiatives led by the Institution.

The group is overseen by a steering committee and Nick Buckingham, UK Managing Director of Colt International, has been delighted to accept an invitation to add his experience to the committee’s work.

With a primary focus of improving recruitment and retention of engineers on behalf of the industry at large, the CIBSE Patrons group sponsors bursaries, awards and a range of materials as well as events to support the Institution’s work in this area as well as working directly with young engineers. For more information on CIBSE Patrons, click here.

Nick Buckingham commented “I am very keen for businesses within our industry to maximise support for the professional body.” He continued “This appointment will enable Colt to play a key role in helping better develop the Building Services Engineering industry both within and outside CIBSE.”

For more information on Colt International, click here.

Chris Brown, CIBSE Patrons Coordinator said ‘We are delighted to have Colt International on board as members and to have Nick now as a member of the group’s steering committee. Nick’s experience and commitment will be a real asset as the group works to extend its reach in the months and years ahead.’

Nick’s appointment was made official on 20 April 2020.

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