Colt CoolShaft is a combined smoke and climate control ventilation shaft system which cleverly uses evaporative cooling technology to provide active pre-cooling of the incoming air, without compromising the ability of the shaft system to ventilate the common area in a fire – and this with exceptionally low energy consumption
The quest for energy efficiency has led to very good insulation in residential buildings. While this is very good for the environment and for electricity bills, it is having unintended consequences in stair lobbies, corridors and entrance halls, which can tend to get warm and stuffy.
Since CoolShaft is a combined smoke and day-to-day shaft system, our design ensures that if there is a fire there is no compromise in its ability to ventilate the common area and allow smoke to escape.While a ventilation system supplying untreated outside air is able to achieve temperatures in the corridor at typically 3-5°C above the outside ambient, a CoolShaft system is able to reduce temperatures to below the outside ambient by providing active cooling in the corridors.
Each CoolShaft system is designed for the client's indiviudal application and is sized to suit that building's heat loads
It doesn’t need to cost the earth to cool a building: using the cooling power of water, it’s possible to achieve low energy cooling. Here are some of the features and benefits of Coolshaft:
Cooling of corridors. Whereas basic day-to-day ventilation systems for common corridors and lobbies use outside air to ventilate the space, the CoolShaft provides active cooling of incoming air, providing highly desirable conditions for the residents. If the ambient air is 30°C or above, the supply air can be cooled down adiabatically by at least 10°C. In general, the hotter the weather, the more efficient the cooling is.
Economical. CoolShaft systems offer cooling that is up to 7 times more economical than conventional air conditioning systems, with lower initial costs. CoolShaft runs much of the year in free cooling mode, with evaporative cooling brought on-line when temperatures rise. CoolShaft units consume only around only around 1 kW and 50 litres of water per 10,000 m³/h of supplied air, equivalent to more than 30 kW cooling power, depending on the configuration chosen.
Low energy use. Evaporative cooling is up to 90% efficient. CoolShaft only needs a small quantity of electricity for the fan that circulates the air and for the water pump. As standard CoolShaft is available with a 400 V highly energy-efficient EC motor.
High cooling capacity. One CoolShaft unit can cool multiple floors, and often the complete building, owing to its inherent high cooling capacity.
No refrigerants. CoolShaft is free from refrigerants, thus there are no F-gas compliance issues, and there is no need for refrigerant / water pipework in the building.
Hygiene certificate. It provides safe circulation with temperature control and regular renewal of water to avoid the growth of bacteria and scale. It has been extensively tested and certified hygienically in compliance with VDI 6022 (“Hygienic Requirements for Ventilation Systems and Units for Internal Spaces”). This is a rigorous standard for air conditioning systems and confirms the high quality of supply air.
A space saver. CoolShaft has a smaller rooftop footprint and saving on rooftop ductwork compared to conventional air conditioning systems, thereby freeing up space.
Lightweight. CoolShaft is more lightweight than conventional air conditioning systems.
Please contact us for more information relating to the application, specification, installation and servicing of this product.